Why HPC Matters

Plenary to examine the important roles HPC plays in every aspect of society.

SC14: Why HPC Matters

The Supercomputing 2014 “HPC Matters” plenary takes place at 5:30pm November 17 at the convention center New Orleans Theater.

Dr. Eng Lim Goh, senior vice president and CTO at SGI, will talk about the importance of supercomputers in economics, culture, science, and society, with real-world examples from manufacturing, natural disaster prediction, improvements in medical care, and the democratization of the fruits of technology.

Dr. Piyush Mehrotra, chief at NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division, will talk about how HPC provides insights into the world in which we live.

Join your SC14 peers in this discussion of the role of HPC in some of the most important issues of our time. For more information, check out the SC14 homepage.