
Lead Image © grafner,

Lead Image © grafner,

Manage logical volumes with GUI tools

Linux uses the Logical Volume Manager to manage large hard drives and mass storage clusters efficiently. We look at various graphical tools that help serve up logical volumes and volume groups.
Lead Image © Mohamad Razi Bin Husin,

Lead Image © Mohamad Razi Bin Husin,

Detecting malware with Yara

Use Yara to search your files and applications for hints of a cyberattack.
Lead Image © Michal Bednarek,

Lead Image © Michal Bednarek,

RESTful APIs in practice

Internet providers often market their open interfaces as RESTful, but is this true of the APIs, especially when no standard exists? We introduce some REST providers and look at how closely their API architectures reflect the REST principle.

Secret Sauce

AMD senior architect Ben Sander explains how the HIP interface integrates existing CUDA programs with the ROCm open development environment.
Lead Image © Chris Gendreau; Fotolia

Lead Image © Chris Gendreau; Fotolia

Nagios on a Rasp Pi 3 with NEMS

We show you how to install and use the NEMS distribution of Nagios network monitoring on a Raspberry Pi.
Lead Image © Guido Vrola,

Lead Image © Guido Vrola,

Monitoring container clusters with Prometheus

In native cloud environments, classic monitoring tools reach their limits when monitoring transient objects such as containers. Prometheus closes this gap, which Kubernetes complements, thanks to its conceptual similarity, simple structure, and far-reaching automation.
Lead Image © sensay,

Lead Image © sensay,

Windows 10 Updates with WSUS

WSUS simplifies updating Windows 10 computers over the network, but first, you need to modify some settings and add new Group Policy templates to insure successful installation of the updates.
Lead Image © erikdegraaf,

Lead Image © erikdegraaf,

Getting data from AWS S3 via Python scripts

Data on AWS S3 is not necessarily stuck there. If you want your data back, you can siphon it out all at once with a little Python pump.

Credential management with HashiCorp Vault

Admin teams can use secret sharing to centrally manage shared access to user accounts and services. HashiCorp Vault is one of the few tools that has proven effective when it comes to implementing this solution. Here's how to use this open source tool and keep important credentials safe.
Lead Image © Luxuz,

Lead Image © Luxuz,

A Hands-on Look at Kubernetes with OpenAI

For research into deep learning algorithms that automatically acquire new skills, OpenAI operates some of the largest Kubernetes clusters worldwide, with up to 36,000 CPU cores. We look at some practical experience with the container management system.
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