
Secret Windows Attack Exists Only in the Registry

05.08.2014 14:31

Forget about catching this one with a conventional virus scanner.

Red Hat Launches ARM Partner Program

05.08.2014 13:44

Better collaboration with hardware vendors could accelerate development in the ARM server space.

Apple and IBM Sign Historic Partnership Agreement

22.07.2014 14:10

Our friends are all aboard: Apple mends fences with Big Blue meanie to bring iOS to the corporate space.

Microsoft Unifies Tech Conferences for 2015

22.07.2014 13:10

Does this consolidation herald the end of topic-based tech events?

CentOS 7 Released

09.07.2014 14:53

New edition marks the first version of the RHEL clone since the merger with Red Hat.

Criminal Crypto Defeated Cops Nine Times in 2013

09.07.2014 14:41

The US government’s recently released statistics show a rise in unsuccessful wiretap attempts.

RHEL Climbs Higher into the Cloud

24.06.2014 14:44

Red Hat's latest release also comes with security and performance improvements.

Google Forks OpenSSL

24.06.2014 14:26

New BoringSSL project offers Internet encryption with Chrome and Android customizations.

Google Creates Extension for PGP Encryption in Webmail

10.06.2014 14:31

New tool could raise the bar for privacy in webmail systems like Gmail and Hotmail.

Linux 3.15 Released

10.06.2014 13:48

Latest kernel comes with vast improvements to power management features.