HPC News

Quantinuum Sets a Record with 4096 Quantum Volume

20.04.2022 18:43

Researchers focus on dialing up volume to enhance quantum computing capacity

US DOE Announces New Funding for Studying Randomized Algorithms

20.04.2022 18:00

New research could lead to faster and more scalable solutions in scientific programming

AI Technique Designs New Accelerators Based on Old Blueprints

22.03.2022 19:14

Berkeley and Google say the method could lead to smaller and more efficient accelerators

Cryogenic Quantum Computing Shrinks to a Refrigerator

22.03.2022 18:30

Denver startup hopes more efficient cooling will lead to better quantum computing

Fujitsu Announces Ethical Toolkit

23.02.2022 19:45

Toolkit offers resources to help developers keep AI modeling free of cultural bias.

US DOE Announces $150 Million in Funding

23.02.2022 17:18

Grants will support research for new clean energy approaches.

Scientists Search for Quantum Noise Footprint

26.01.2022 23:06

New research looks for a way to work with the noise instead of against it.

ISC Conference Call for Volunteers

26.01.2022 21:07

College-age students get a free pass for tutorials, conference sessions, workshops, and other events in exchange for helping.

Columbia University Team Shrinks Qubits

08.12.2021 21:43

Capacitors built from 2D materials could lead the way to smaller and more efficient quantum computers.

Amazon Announces a Free Service for Experimenting with Machine Learning

08.12.2021 18:33

The SageMaker Studio Lab is based on Project Jupyter and the JupyterLab interface.