Lead Image © Joe Belanger, 123RF.com

Lead Image © Joe Belanger, 123RF.com

Best practices for KVM on NUMA servers


Article from ADMIN 20/2014
Optimizing non-uniform memory access (NUMA) can help you increase the performance of KVM virtual machines. We describe some pitfalls to watch out for.

Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) [1] systems have existed for a long time. Makers of supercomputers could not increase the number of CPUs without creating a bottleneck on the bus connecting the processors to the memory (Figure 1). To solve this issue, they changed the traditional monolithic memory approach of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) servers and spread the memory among the processors to create the NUMA architecture (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Traditional SMP architecture.
Figure 2: NUMA architecture.

The NUMA approach has both good and bad effects. A significant improvement is that it allows more processors with a corresponding increase of performance; when the number of CPUs doubles, performance is

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