
Lead Image © Zarko Cvijovic,

Lead Image © Zarko Cvijovic,

Innovations in PowerShell 5

Windows 10 brings an updated, fifth release of PowerShell that vastly simplifies the task of managing modules and software packages. The scripting language now also handles various formatted output from commands and selection lists.
Lead Image © konstantynov,

Lead Image © konstantynov,

Successful protocol analysis in modern network structures

Virtual networks and server structures require additional mechanisms to ensure visibility of data streams. We show how to monitor and analyze network functions, even when virtualization is involved.
Lead Image © alphaspirit,

Lead Image © alphaspirit,

OpenSMTPD makes mail server configuration easy

The OpenBSD origins of the OpenSMTPD mail transfer agent makes SMTP easier to implement and manage and more secure.
Lead Image © Sergei Tryapitsyn,

Lead Image © Sergei Tryapitsyn,

Apache Storm

We take you through the installation of a Storm cluster and discuss how to create your own topologies.
Lead Image © Shawn Hempel,

Lead Image © Shawn Hempel,

Managing networks in Windows Server vNext

We look at a new component in Windows Server vNext – the Network Controller server role.
Lead Image © Sergey Tryapitsyn,

Lead Image © Sergey Tryapitsyn,

LDAP integration with popular groupware suites

Your LDAP directory holds user data for the whole network. Why not save time and avoid duplication by integrating the LDAP directory with your groupware environment?
Lead Image © Anton Gvozdikov,

Lead Image © Anton Gvozdikov,

The Aurora Mesos Framework

Apache Aurora is a service daemon built for the data center.
Lead Image © Barna Tanko,

Lead Image © Barna Tanko,

Handy Windows tools for sniffing network traffic

You don't need expensive software to study the traffic on your network. We look at some handy sniffers for Windows environments, including SmartSniff, SniffPass, Open Visual Traceroute, and Microsoft Message Analyzer.
Lead Image © Dmitriy Sladkov,

Lead Image © Dmitriy Sladkov,

Shell practice: Introduction to the sed stream editor

With sed, you can edit text data without an interactive user interface, using pipes or input redirection. Sed lets you execute extensive editing commands on a single line.
Lead Image © Federico Caputo,

Lead Image © Federico Caputo,

Virtual environments in Windows Server

Along with the preview for Windows 10, Microsoft has released a technical preview of the upcoming Windows Server. The focus is on functions for complex environments. Microsoft has introduced some new features, especially in the area of virtualization.
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