HPC News

Registration Opens for ASC15 Student Competition

17.12.2014 13:56

Asian supercomputing community launches its annual contest for student HPC teams.

New Global Initiative Promotes International HPC Collaboration

17.12.2014 13:00

New program will connect NCSA with the International research community.

Latest TOP500 List Unveiled

19.11.2014 17:20

Overall performance is better, but the rate of improvement is slowing.

Oak Ridge has a New Gigantic Supercomputer in the Works

19.11.2014 16:07

Blazing new system will blow away ONRL’s leading Titan system, which is currently the fastest in the US.

2014 Intel Parallel Universe Computing Challenge

11.11.2014 17:27

Final team brackets announced for competition at SC14 “HPC Matters” convention

Student Cluster Competition Call for Contestants

22.10.2014 14:47

Annual contest lets students learn by designing, building, and operating a working HPC cluster.

IBM Stops Making Chips

22.10.2014 14:44

Big Blue peels off its manufacturing to keep the focus on software, cloudware, and intellectual property.

BoFs for Everyone

16.10.2014 15:44

Participate in one of the most interactive, popular, and well-attended sessions of the SC Conference Series.

Why HPC Matters

16.10.2014 15:34

Plenary to examine the important roles HPC plays in every aspect of society.

Watson Takes on Science

10.09.2014 12:33

IBM’s supersystem gives the research scientist encyclopedic knowledge of all papers written on a specific topic.