HPC News

New Protocol Inverts the Evolution of a Qubit

14.04.2023 18:15

Technique could one day lead to more accurate quantum computers

DOE’s 2024 INCITE Program Is Accepting Proposals

14.04.2023 17:39

Qualifying projects will receive time on DOE’s powerful supercomputers at Argonne and Oak Ridge.

Can “Transparent” AI Eliminate Bias?

20.03.2023 15:42

Researchers believe Bayesian techniques could someday replace the dark mystery of deep learning.

New Technique Combines Resistive Memory with Graph Neural Networks

20.03.2023 13:30

Discovery could improve efficiency in neural networks by eliminating the von Neumann bottleneck.

Scientists Achieve a Rare Form of Superconductivity on Silicon

20.02.2023 17:22

New research could lead to a new generation of superconducting chips

Quantum Cryptography in Space

20.02.2023 16:13

Scientists at ORNL and U of I offer a solution for secure communication between satellites.

Spin-Control Technique Could Lead to Billion-Qubit Quantum Chips

17.01.2023 20:02

Australian scientists unveil a method for managing electron spin using electrical, rather than magnetic, fields.

Photon Detector Improves Counting Rates by Three Orders of Magnitude

17.01.2023 19:32

New device could advance a number of fast-emerging fields.

Maxwell’s Demon Joins the Quantum Revolution

12.12.2022 18:43

Scientists at University of New South Wales Sydney put a new spin on a classic thought experiment

2023 Energy in HPC Call for Abstracts

12.12.2022 17:27

Submission deadline for the annual conference on HPC in the energy industry is January 20.