Quantum Computing on Silicon
14.04.2021 15:06
UK-based startup measures the quantum state of a single electron on a CMOS chip.
Containing Nuclear Fusion
17.03.2021 20:59
ORNL’s Summit supercomputer models heat load for a safer fusion reactor
Robots Learn Faster with Quantum Computing
17.03.2021 19:29
Scientists at the University of Vienna exploit quantum weirdness for speedier AI
Strangeworks Launches Quantum Computing Initiatives
17.02.2021 20:41
Austin-based startup unveils its vision of a portal for quantum-based services and collaboration.
Japanese Supercomputer Simulates the Universe 4000 Ways
17.02.2021 19:24
Research could lead to a deeper understanding of cosmic inflation.
US Air Force Announces New Grants for Quantum Research
20.01.2021 22:46
US teams will collaborate with Korean counterparts.
Argonne Research Team Develops New Validation Method
20.01.2021 22:14
New protocol will provide more confidence in computer simulations
New Data Repository Will Support Pandemic Research
09.12.2020 15:18
The ORCHESTRA project will serve as a source for accessing global COVID-19 medical data
Center for Data Innovation Sounds Alarm for More US HPC Funding
09.12.2020 14:40
New report recommends additional US$10Billion to meet the demand for resources.
Intel Announces oneAPI Roadmap
11.11.2020 22:40
Chip giant takes a new step toward its vendor-neutral programming model for accelerated computing.