HPC-18 Conference Registration Open
19.01.2012 21:31
Registration is now open for the 18th International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPC-18).
Oracle Announces Big Data Appliance
17.01.2012 20:03
Oracle Big Data Appliance combines hardware and software to allow the acquisition, organization, and analysis of large data sets.
AMD Launches Fastest Single-GPU Graphics Card
04.01.2012 22:29
AMD recently released the AMD Radeon HD 7970 graphics card for desktop PCs, hailing it as the world’s fastest single-GPU graphics card and the only GPU based on 28nm production technology.
NVidia Opens CUDA Compiler Code
27.12.2011 22:38
Source code for the NVidia CUDA LLVM-based compiler is available to qualified academic researchers and software tools developers.
XSEDE Conference Announced
27.12.2011 22:32
The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment conference of 2012 to be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
OpenACC Announced
15.12.2011 17:22
NVidia, Cray Inc., the Portland Group (PGI), and CAPS enterprise have partnered to develop a new parallel programming standard known as OpenACC.
AMD Fusion12 Call for Papers Now Open
15.12.2011 17:20
AMD announces the Fusion12 Developer Summit (AFDS) June 11-14, 2012.
Silicon Mechanics Announces Research Cluster Grant
13.12.2011 04:46
Silicon Mechanics announces research cluster grant.
Drizzle Database Supports ZeroMQ Messaging
11.11.2011 09:52
With its latest release the MySQL fork Drizzle supports messaging through the ZeroMQ broker.
SmartOS Weds Open Solaris to Linux KVM Virtualization
11.11.2011 09:52
Joyent releases the SmartOS operating system, that brings together Open Solaris and Linux KVM.