
Linux Foundation Forms High Performance Software Foundation

16.05.2024 14:15

The foundation will provide a neutral home for key HPC projects.

DHS Releases New Guidelines for Securing Critical Infrastructure

13.05.2024 14:00

The guidance specifically addresses threats posed by AI.

Microsoft Announces Zero Trust DNS

10.05.2024 14:00

ZTDNS will feature encrypted and authenticated connections.

Datadog Report Examines DevSecOps Best Practices

09.05.2024 15:47

Learn how to mitigate common risks.

Why Use SSDs?

06.05.2024 14:00

Learn about the advantages of SSDs over HDDs.

How to Use an SBOM

03.05.2024 14:00

Learn why you need an SBOM and what to look for when you receive one.

Upskilling Key to Tech Staffing Challenges, Says LF Survey

01.05.2024 14:00

98% of organizations consider upskilling an important strategy.

2024 Open Source Pros Job Survey Report Released

29.04.2024 14:00

See what open source professionals look for in a new role.

AlmaLinux Adds Support for Devices Deprecated by Red Hat

26.04.2024 14:00

The distro is no longer a line-by-line copy of RHEL.

SPDX Version 3 Released

25.04.2024 19:28

The tool has been renamed to System Package Data Exchange.

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