
Google Announces AI Hypercomputer

28.12.2023 20:11

The system features open software along with performance-optimized hardware.

Best Practices to Prepare for Post-Quantum Security Challenges

22.12.2023 13:30

Some encryption thought to be unbreakable until now could be vulnerable.

Open Networking Foundation Projects Transferred to LF

21.12.2023 13:30

The transition sets up the projects for broader collaboration.

SEC’s New Cybersecurity Rules Now in Effect

20.12.2023 20:27

US-listed companies must now disclose breaches within 4 days.

Windows and Linux Devices Vulnerable to LogoFAIL Attack

18.12.2023 13:00

The attack executes malware during the boot process.

OpenELA Creates User Documentation Repository

15.12.2023 17:59

Community contributions are encouraged.

IBM Hybrid Cloud Mesh Now Generally Available

13.12.2023 19:42

The multi-cloud solution offers seamless network app management.

Get Started with Baserow: An Open Source Alternative to Airtable

11.12.2023 14:00

Jack Wallen shows how to set up the Baserow open source database.

IBM Announces Quantum System Two

07.12.2023 17:00

The system features the high-performance Quantum Heron processor.

Take the 2024 Open Source Professionals Job Survey

07.12.2023 15:28

Share your expectations regarding open source jobs.

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